Sawirro: Tirinta codadka doorashada guSawirro: Tirinta codadka doorashada guud ee UKud ee UK

Friday June 09, 2017 - 09:51:02 in by Burco Office
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    Sawirro: Tirinta codadka doorashada guSawirro: Tirinta codadka doorashada guud ee UKud ee UK

    Sawirro: Tirinta codadka doorashada guSawirro: Tirinta codadka doorashada guud ee UKud ee UK

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Sawirro: Tirinta codadka doorashada guSawirro: Tirinta codadka doorashada guud ee UKud ee UK

Halkan ka daawo sawirrada tirinta codadka iyo natiijooyinka hor u dhaca ah ee ka soo baxaya doorashada guud ee UK

A ballot box is rushed into the counting centre for Britain's general election in Sunderland, 8 June 2017.Lahaanshaha sawirkaED SYKES/REUTERS
Image captionGuud ahaan dalka UK , waraqaha codadka lagu dhiibtay ayaa la isugu geeyay goobaha loogu talagalay tirinta codadka
Election staff count ballot papers for the General Election, at Kendal Leisure Centre in Kendal.Lahaanshaha sawirkaDANNY LAWSON/PA
Image captionTirinta codadka ayaa socon doonto ilaa subaxa Jimcaha
Ballot papers are checked ahead of the count at the Westmorland and Lonsdale constituency count at Kendal Leisure Centre on 8 June 2017 in KendalLahaanshaha sawirkaDAVE THOMPSON/GETTY IMAGES
Image captionIn ka badan 2,700 qof ayaa u tarmaysa kuraasta England iyadoo guu ahaan xildhibaanada dalka UK ay gaarayaan 650
Exit poll projected onto the front of BBC Broadcasting HouseLahaanshaha sawirkaJEFF OVERS/BBC
Image captionMarkii ay codbixintu dhammaatay ayaa waxaa soo baxday qiyaas ay sameysay BBC-da oo sheegeysa in xibsiga Muxaafidka uu heli doono 314 xildhibaan halka xisbiga Shaqaalahana uu heli doono 266.
Ballot papers are counted at the Sobell Leisure Centre during the Islington North and the Islington South and Finsbury counts on 8 June 2017.Lahaanshaha sawirkaJACK TAYLOR/GETTY IMAGES
Image captionTirinta codadka doorashada ee deegaanka Finsbury habeenimadii Khamiista
Election staff count ballot papers for the General Election, at the Emirates Arena in Glasgow.Lahaanshaha sawirkaANDREW MILLIGAN/PA
Image captionShaqaalaha doorashada oo ku tirinaya codadkii ay dadka ka dhiibteen Glasgow.
Party activists observe ballots being tallied at a counting centre for Britain's general election in Hastings, 8 June 2017.Lahaanshaha sawirkaKEVIN COOMBS/REUTERS
Image captionWakiilada axsaabta oo daawanaya tirinta codadka deegaanka Hastings.
A picture shows a general view as counting staff sort through ballots at a counting centre in Titanic Exhibition in Belfast, Northern Ireland, on 8 June 2017Lahaanshaha sawirkaPAUL FAITH/AFP
Image captionGuud ahaan 109 musharrixiin ayaa u tartamaysa kuraasta Waqooyiga Ireland oo 1.2 milyan qof ay xaq u lahaayeen inay u codeeyaan.
An official reacts as vote counters wait for ballot boxes to arrive at the Peter Paine Performance Centre for the constituency of Boston and SkegnessLahaanshaha sawirkaANTHONY DEVLIN/GETTY IMAGES
Image captionMasuuliyiinta tirinaya codadka doorashada deegaannada Boston iyo Skegness oo sugaya santuukhyada ay ku jiraan waraaqaha codbixinta oo lagasoo daabulaya koobaha kala duwan ee lagu codeeyay
A Labour party representative takes notes of the counting of the ballots UK General Election, polling day, results, Swansea, WalesLahaanshaha sawirkaLEGAKIS/REX/SHUTTERSTOCK
Image captionWakiil ka tirsan xisbiga Shaqaalaha oo dusha kala socdo tirinta codadka deegaanka Swansea ee Wales

All photographs are copyrighted.