Hargaysa:Xildhibaano Ka Tirsan Baarlamaanka UK Oo Dawlada Ka Codsaday Inay Ictiraafan Dawlada Somaliland

Wednesday June 27, 2018 - 16:11:09 in by salman abdi
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    Hargaysa:Xildhibaano Ka Tirsan Baarlamaanka UK Oo Dawlada Ka Codsaday Inay Ictiraafan Dawlada Somaliland

    Xildhibaano Ka Tirsan Baarlamaanka UK Oo Dawlada Ka Codsaday Inay Ictiraafan Dawlada Somaliland

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Xildhibaano Ka Tirsan Baarlamaanka UK Oo Dawlada Ka Codsaday Inay Ictiraafan Dawlada Somaliland

Sideed mudane oo ka tirsan baarlamaanka Ingiriiska ayaa dawladda Ingiriiska u diray qoraal ay ku waydiisanayaan in xukumaddoodu bilawdo Qorshe Somaliland loogu darayo dalalka ku bahoobay Barwaaqo Sooranka ee ah Ingiriiska iyo waddamada uu gumaysan jiray. Sidoo kalena ay Britain hormuud u noqoto qorshaha Somaliland kaga mid noqonayso bulshada caalamka.






Qoraalkan mudaneyaashu soo saareen xuska 58-aad ee 26 June oo ah markii Somaliland xorriyaddeeda ka heshay boqortooyadii Ingiriiska waxay si mug leh dawladdooda u waydiisteen in ay u badheedho jidkii ay ku aqoonsan lahayd Somaliland uguna dari lahayd Barwaaqo Sooranka maaddaama ay jagada guddoomiyaha xilligan hayso dawladda Ingiriisku.





Xildhibaannadan taageersan Somaliland oo ka soo kala jeeda xisbiyada Ingiriisku waxay ku dheeraadeen xidhiidhka taariikhiga ah ee ka dhexeeya Somaliland iyo Ingiriiska. Waxay sheegeen in labada dal wadaagaan dhaqan siyaasadeed, isku xidhnaan dhaqaale, luuqadda, islamarkaana muwaadiniin badan oo reer Somaliland ahi ay yihiin kuwo haysta dhalashada Ingiriiska kuwaas oo door ku leh Somaliland dabadana ka riixa shuruuc Somaliland xuquuqal iisaankeeda muhiim u ah.





Waxa ay sheegeen in Somaliland oo ku taalla gobol carqalad badan dhanka Koonfureedna kala daris ah Soomaaliya oo kooxo argagixiso ahi joogaan ay tahay meel ammaan ah oo nabadda caalamka iyo tan gobolkaba ka qayb qaadata, islamarkaana ay Ingiriiska iska kaashadaan la dagaalanka argagixisada. Waxay Somaliland ku sheegeen meel dhaqaalaheedu kobcayo oo soo koraysa muhiimna u ah Ingiriiska.

8 Parliamentarians mark today's58th anniversarysince the former British protectorate of Somaliland attained independence from the United Kingdom. They call onthe UK government to begin the process of bringing Somaliland into the international community, as distinct fromneighbouring Somalia.
Hargeisa"As the UK continues to confront the global threat of terrorism, Somaliland acts as a trusted local partner to the international community in one of the world’s most unstable regions"
Kate Stanworth

Today marks 58 years since the former British protectorate of Somaliland attained independence from the United Kingdom. For most African nations previously under British rule, such an anniversary is cause to celebrate the beginning of the country’s life as an independent sovereign state – and also as a strategic partner to the UK through membership of the Commonwealth.

For the Republic of Somaliland, the situation is somewhat different. Having entered into a political union with neighbouring Somalia shortly after attaining independence, Somaliland resumed its position as an independent state in 1991 and for all intents and purposes has functioned as one ever since. However, over 27 years later, neither the UK nor the wider international community has recognised Somaliland as a sovereign nation. This excludes the country from membership of the Commonwealth and other vital international institutions that facilitate economic growth and development.

Despite this, and as unfamiliar as Somaliland’s situation may be to many in the UK, the ties between the two countries are far from being merely historic. A large number of Somalilanders currently live, work, and study in the UK, including thousands in our constituencies alone. This diaspora community has played a crucial role in pushing for the impending passage of new bills in Somaliland that will bring the laws governing sexual offences and FGM into line with international human rights standards, setting Somaliland apart from its East African neighbours.

The UK is the biggest contributor of international aid to Somaliland. It was also a leading member of the 27-country coalition that independently observed Somaliland’s presidential election last November. That election, which employed cutting-edge iris-recognition technology to combat voter fraud and represented the sixth consecutive occasion since 2003 on which Somalilanders have participated in multi-party elections internationally certified as free and fair, underlined Somaliland’s commitment to those most British principles of democracy and the rule of law.